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Kokedama by Bloominbee

How to Care For and Maintain Kokedama Plants

Kokedama is a form of traditional, centuries old Japanese garden art that has close ties with bonsai. The focal part of Kokedama is a moss ball that serves as the support for a tree or plant, and the ball can either be hung or displayed on a platform. It serves wonderfully as both a visual centerpiece and a household plant, and if you take proper care of them they can last quite a while.

5 Ways Terrariums Can Spruce Up Your Living Space

Terrariums are a lovely and creative way to grow houseplants that normally do not adapt well to being grown within a home. There are terrariums that have live plants and others made from preserved moss and both are equally as beautiful. When they are taken care of properly, they provide exceptional visual appeal in whatever room they’re in, but that’s not all they can do!
DIY Succulent Terrarium
DIY terrarium kit by Bloominbee

How to Care For and Maintain a Terrarium

Terrariums are a gardening trend that are becoming increasingly more popular as they allow people to have beautiful miniature gardens within their own homes. These small botanical worlds are elegant, eye-catching, detoxifying, and lend a sense of serenity to the rooms they are in.

DIY Kits to Kick Start Your New Hobby

You’re never too young or old to start a new hobby and with the state of the world being the way it is, many people have decided to take this time to find something new and fun to do. Whether it’s working with your hands, trying out your green thumb, learning how to cook, or creating art, there’s a hobby out there for everyone just waiting to be discovered. The trick is finding one that resonates with you and to make that a bit easier, we have put together a helpful list of Do-It-Yourself kits for adults that just might be your gateway into a new hobby adventure!
DIY Terrarium by Two Fish & Me
Wallet by Methuselah Leather

Father’s Day Gift Guide 2021 | Artisan Collective Australia

With Father’s Day just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking of gifts for the important men in your life. Husbands, dads, and grandfathers all deserve recognition on this special day, so finding the right gift is paramount!

Things To Do During Lockdown

“What to do in lockdown?” is a question everyone is asking themselves these days and as an answer, many people are returning to the hobbies they’ve had their entire lives such as reading, making art, and playing video games. Sometimes the tried and true methods of passing time aren’t always as effective as we would like them to be, which is why lockdown is the perfect time to experiment with new activities. 
Kokedama from Bloominbee
parlour palm in moss ball

3 Ways to Brighten Up Your Home With Housewares

Our homes are where we tend to feel happiest, so it’s important that we love the space we’re living in. Every room and wall gives us the opportunity to express ourselves and surround ourselves with art and items that bring us joy.

5 Reasons To Fill Your Home With Succulents

The Surprising Benefits of Growing Succulents in Your Home

We draw comfort from the presence of nature, which is why houseplants are a staple of most households. Many houseplants are grown for their aesthetics, but people may choose to grow plants such as herbs indoors for easy culinary access. There are some plants that have some surprising, lesser-known benefits to them, such as succulents. Beloved for their distinct, sometimes unusual appearances, there’s more to these unique plants than meets the eye. 

5 Reasons To Fill Your Home With Succulents