Renew & Activate Travel Crystal Candle

$49.00 AUD
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Take a slow and deep breath in and invigorate the senses.

Let the overwhelming scent of freshly crushed lemongrass fill your lungs, recharge the core, poise your posture, and decimate distractions. You’ve achieved more than most but there’s more to be done so you rest and recharge as you meander through a concoction of ginger root and Rosella hibiscus flowers, chrysanthemum & calendula flowers. Drink it in. You are life in motion and this is a necessary pit stop for the wild and colorful journey ahead, but you are ready.

Anchored amongst the chaos of life is a safe zone, a point of certainty that allows you to breathe, recalibrate and continue. This anchor is colorless yet takes on the colours of your life stage. Its shape is fluid yet, maintains the strength you need it to wherever you are along your journey. It is your North Star and it engages with your thoughts whenever you need it, wherever you may be.

This is the constant in your life, the horizon line, so recast yourself and be the momentum others dare only aspire to be.

Product Details

Key notes:

A unique scent that combines the sophistication of green tea with the invigorating aroma of lemongrass, taking you on an enchanting journey. It begins with refreshing top notes of green tea, lemongrass, and ginger with a touch of sweetness from honeydew melon and floral in the middle, all anchored by a comforting base of vetiver and musk.


  • 90g soy candle
  • Light weight aluminium round pressed vessel
  • 64mm (Diameter) x 48mm (High)
  • 15 hours burn time  (10 minutes/gram)


100% premium soy wax (non-GMO, no unnatural additives, Kosher certified), lemongrass, rosella hibiscus, ginger, chrysanthemum, calendula, premium fragrance oil.

Aventurine crystal: Transforms negativity, attracts prosperity, boosts creativity, instills strength, confidence, and happiness, encourages cooperation and tactful honesty.*

Clear quartz: a potent crystal known for its restorative and amplifying energy. This versatile gem benefits all chakras, clearing and activating them while purifying the physical and energetic bodies. Clear quartz is also favored for manifestation, offering increased focus and clarity to desires.*

*Crystals are believed to hold various metaphysical properties and meanings, but their effects are subjective and not scientifically proven. Any information provided here is for entertainment and personal exploration purposes only. 

Handmade in Melbourne. 

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